Starting a new company or running a company comes with a lot of challenges and responsibilities. Complying with the Wages Protection System (WPS) is one of the many responsibilities. The Wages Protection System (WPS) applies to all private companies in Qatar. Initiated by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (MoLSA) and Qatar Central Bank (QCB) to monitor and document the process of employee wage payment at the establishments subject to the Labor Law No. (14) of 2004.
Want to save time in preparing employees’ salary information file (SIF) to comply with the WPS?
Having a system to ease the work process of your company is necessary, however a system to ease the workload is no less important.Your bank may provide a salary information file (SIF) but collecting and preparing the file with all employee details will consume a lot of your precious time. With Odoo’s multiple integrated apps and innumerable functionalities, employee details and their salary information are all recorded in one software. Zmakan will provide you with customized features to adjust to your very individual requirements and enable you to generate your WPS file with just one click.
The CSV file is designed as per the standard format including employee names, QID,account numbers (IBAN) and payable salaries which are extracted from the all in one Odoo system. There are several potential causes for WPS transactions being rejected by either the bank,
QCB or the MoLSA. Our implementation guarantee that the generated WPS is:
CSV file fully comply with the formatting standards
No discrepancy between the number of transactions and the actual number of employees on the company’s visa roster
Visa numbers matching MoLSA records
Endures no additional characters (eg. a comma or other characters on the keyboard) other than those required in format
Valid Employee and Payer’s bank account detail
Keep all records of your employees in the system, manage payrolls of the employees in the same system and easily generate the perfect WPS file that will save time and will let you remain 100% focused on your business.